In the interest of maintaining peace on the continent of Antarctica, We, the member states of the Antarctic Micronational Union (hereafter referred to as the AMU), do hereby recognize this charter as our guiding document. This Charter renders all previous iterations null and void.
I. Mission
The core mission of the AMU is to publicize and protect the territorial claims of its member states while providing a means for new claims to be registered and recorded. Through committee actions, the AMU also engages in other activities related to the furthering of activities concerning Antarctica; advocating for the conservation, protection, and preservation of lands and wildlife; and matters that concern, affect, and impact climate change, humanity’s role in it, and initiatives aimed at fighting, slowing, or even reversing it. The AMU also strongly advocates for the protection of the freshwater ice shelves in and around the continent, as threats to their existence are also a threat on humanity’s continued way of life.
The AMU is a neutral organization and may not act as an independent player in the micronational community, except on matters directly related to Antarctic concerns. It may not interfere with the home and domestic policy of its members on matters not related to Antarctica and its concerns, as mentioned in this mission.
In disagreements not pertaining to AMU oversight, member nations are not required to follow the same path, but are encouraged to operate harmoniously, even in disagreement.
II. Membership
AMU members enjoy collective and individual protection and recognition of their Antarctic claim’s borders by all other member nations. Recognition status beyond that between members are left up to respective micronations, provided they do not fail to act in the interests of another member’s Antarctic claim.
Membership in the AMU is restricted to nation-states that have made formal claim(s) upon any land, islands, seas, ice shelves, or icebergs located south of 60 degrees south or otherwise near the continent of Antarctica.
Though each member state possesses only one vote, they may appoint a maximum of two (2) Delegates to represent its interests in the AMU. Delegates may create and join committees, propose and cast official votes upon resolutions, and approve and amend statements issued by the Administrative-General.
Any member nation may renounce their membership by providing written notice to the Administrator-General. Should notice be given, a fourteen (14)-day cooling-off period will occur, during which time attempts should be made to reconcile any contributing factors, when reasonable. If the member nation does not change their mind, they will be removed from membership status, under the same rules as if they had been expelled.
A nation that contests or violates the claim of an existing member shall be considered inadmissible. In the event that such a nation applies for membership, the application will be rejected latae sententiae. (Amended October 2021)
III. Expulsion
A member nation shall be deemed inactive upon failing to check in during the annual activity census. Inactive nations shall enjoy the full border protections of membership but will not be counted as a participating body for purposes of acquiring a majority in votes. Their status will be returned to active upon sending a statement to the Administrator-General detailing the absence and assuring their intent to return to active participation. Failure to check-in to two consecutive activity censuses will result in the expulsion of a member nation, regardless of being returned to active status between.
A nation may be expelled by a 2/3 majority vote of other nations, via referendum. This must also include a simple majority of the nations who initially signed the Charter to establish its authority. Valid reasons to call for an expulsion referendum include (but are not limited to): ongoing and sustained acts of aggression against other nation (war against other nations); support of non-scientific or non-conservation-focused settlement of Antarctica; contesting or violating the claims of another member nation; or definitive violations of the charter or other referendums passed by a vote of members. Nations facing expulsion must be afforded an opportunity to make a statement in their defense, prior to voting.
Any expelled member nations will immediately be removed from all logs, registers, and forums; with their claim(s) no longer formally recognized or defended by the AMU. Individual nations may continue to engage in diplomatic relations with the expelled nation, provided they continue to act in the interest of the claims of other AMU members as they do so, to include members admitted after the expelled nation’s dismissal.
A nation expelled for any reason may not apply for re-entry earlier that a year from the date of their expulsion, with the understanding that part or all of their former Antarctic claim(s) may no longer be open for consideration. In this case, they may elect to diminish their claim, or establish a new one not in conflict with an existing AMU member’s claim.
IV. New Claims
New claims upon Antarctic territory shall be registered via application through the AMU website. This application should contain details about the claimed territory and the suitability of the nation that is requesting membership to include: information on the age, governance, and composition of the nation; a clear outline and map of the respective claim; a questionnaire ascertaining the temperament and suitability of the applicant nation; links to any internet presence the nation has; and suitable contact information. The Administrative-General shall be responsible for processing and handling all new claims.
New claims shall be collectively voted upon at least monthly, provided new applications have been submitted in the previous month. Except in special circumstances, new member states will only be approved during these voting sessions. New member states shall be approved by a 2/3 majority vote among active member states after their claim has been registered and recorded by the Administrative-General. A passing vote must also include a simple majority of this Charter’s active signatory nations. If denied membership, applicant nations may reapply no sooner than one year from the date of denial.
V. Administration
The AMU shall be administered by the office of Administrative-General, which is comprised of one Delegate selected from their nation’s two representatives by a simple majority vote of existing member states. Serving as a “first among equals,” the post enjoys no special privileges, and should be considered an act of service to the AMU and greater micronational community. Their term shall last for four (4)-years, with no limit on the number of terms.
The Administrator-General may resign via proclamation to the member nations. The Administrative-General may also be removed when a resolution has been proposed and voted upon to replace them with a new Delegate who is willing and able to accept the duties of the office. This resolution must pass with a 2/3 majority. Should the member nation that the Administrator-General is from resign from the AMU, they will immediately be removed from office.
The duties of the Administrative-General include: maintaining the registry of new and existing territorial claims; handling correspondence and inquiries directed toward the AMU; making public statements on behalf of the AMU; maintaining the AMU’s digital and social media assets; announcing resolutions; and organizing voting procedures, to include ensuring they are done in a public manner, with all nations being afforded the opportunity to vote. They may appoint Deputy Administrators to assist with their duties. Should the member nation of any Deputy resign from the AMU, they will immediately be removed from office.
Public statements made by the Administrative-General falling outside of their routine duties must be submitted to the member states for approval by simple majority or amendment by individual Delegates prior to being released to the public. Exceptions may be made in the case of urgent emergencies, but member states have the right to request alterations or retractions to the emergency statement after it has been issued.
VI. Committee Actions
Delegates from two or more member states may come together to form committees. These committees should advance specific agendas not already being advanced by the AMU as a whole. These agendas might not be embraced by all member states, but the committee and its activities must still adhere to this charter and to the general spirit of the AMU.
A resolution is not required to form a committee, although a resolution and majority vote may dissolve a committee that is deemed to be against the best interests of the AMU. A committee, once dissolved, may not be formed again.
VII. Dispute Resolution
Disputes between member states and/or their Delegates shall be mediated by the Administrative-General. In the case where a dispute exists that involves the Administrative-General or where there may be doubt to the Administrative-General’s ability to be fair and impartial, Delegates may request to have the dispute mediated by a third party which may or may not be a member state of the AMU. All parties of the dispute must agree on the third party before they may serve as mediator.
VIII. Resolutions, Amendments, and Termination
There is no limit to what resolutions may cover, provided they do not conflict with this charter. Resolutions must pass with a majority of active nations.
This charter may only be amended or terminated consensu omnium (unanimously) and by a 2/3 majority of active members. Dissenting votes may be overridden with a 3/4 majority vote that includes 2/3 of this charter’s signatory nations.
In witness thereof the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, have caused their proper and duly authorized officers to execute and deliver these presents as of the day and year first written below:
His Majesty, Emperor Billbrough; representing the Hortanian Empire, whose claim consists of East-Inland Queen Maud Land and West-Inland Mac Robertson Land.
His Excellency, Life President Yaroslav Mar; representing the Federal Republic of Lostisland, whose claim consists of Alexander Island; and in his capacity as Administrative-General of the Antarctic Micronational Union under the previous charter.
The Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thomas Chepaitis; representing the Republic of Užupis, whose claim consists of Central Antarctica.
His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Oscar I; representing the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia, whose claim consists of Princess Elizabeth Land, Willhelm II Land, and Queen Mary Land.
His Royal Highness, Grand Duke Travis; representing the Grand Duchy of Westarctica, whose claim consists of Marie Byrd Land, Peter I Island, and the Balleny Islands.
Archdruid Thomas Harris; representing the Missionary Order of the Celtic Cross, whose claim consists of Western Enderby Land, Ross Island, and the Queen Elizabeth Range.
His Serene Highness, Prince Dionisiy; representing the Principality of Montescano, whose claim consists of Graham Land.
24 February 2020.
Later Signatories
7 August 2020: His Excellency, President Demian Karpov; representing the Republic of Avinenska, whose claim consists of Victoria Land.- 12 October 2020: His Majesty, King Ivan Brienović; representing the Kingdom of Brienia, whose claim consists of Drygalski Island.
- 10 December 2020: His Royal Highness, Grand Duke John Sanders, representing the Grand Duchy of Pikeland, whose claim consists of the land between 30° and 60° W to the MOCC border including Berkner Island.
- 23 September 2022: His Royal Highness, Grand Duke Nicholas, representing the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis, whose claim consists of Siple Island, Carney Island, Maher Island, Pranke Island, and Cherry Island.
- 2 March 2024: His Excellency, President Demian Karpov; representing the Republic of Avinenska, whose claim consists of Victoria Land.
Former Signatories
- 21 March 2021: Ludwig Brienović, former King Ivan Brienović, notified the Administrative-General about the dissolution of the Kingdom of Brienia.
9 June 2022: the Republic of Avinenska is expelled.
Name Changes
- 12 June 2020: the Principality of Montescano is renamed to Empire of Pavlov; His Serene Highness, Prince Dionisiy, changes name to His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Alexander IV.
- October 2021: Section II (Membership) expanded