In accordance with Section III of the AMU Charter, the Republic of Avinenska has been expelled from the Antarctic Micronational Union, after the delegates of other member states unanimously voted for the expulsion.
The expulsion process was initiated by Administrative-General Yaroslav Mar following the now-deleted publication on the official Telegram channel of Avinenska, in which Avinenska officials were pictured with the flags and souvenirs of the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic” (DPR) — a pro-Russian breakaway state in Ukraine, designated as a terrorist organization by the Prosecutor-General of Ukraine. The DPR is at the center of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine which resulted in the death of dozens of thousands of Ukrainians, among them a citizen of Pavlov, an AMU member state. The same day the expulsion took effect, a DPR “court” issued a death sentence to two British and one Moroccan national.
According to the publication, the flags and souvenirs in question were given to Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Avinenska Anna Simkina by Aleksandr Glushko — a self-styled Russian military expert included in the Myrotvorets database as an enemy of Ukraine for repeatedly violating the national border, known for his ties to the DPR. Mr. Glushko claims to be a major general despite having no verifiable military background and calls himself an agent of the Federal Counterintelligence Service — a Russian security agency that hasn’t existed since 1995.
The expulsion of the Republic of Avinenska marks the first time since 2016 that an AMU member state is being removed from the organization by a vote, rather than for inactivity. In 2016, the now-defunct Soviet Socialist Republic of Nadiria was expelled from the AMU for calling for the overthrow of the legitimate government of the Empire of Pavlov. Expulsion from the AMU does not preclude a nation from re-applying for membership at some point in the future, but no earlier than one year since the expulsion date. Antarctic claims of former members are no longer recognized by the AMU, though individual members may continue to engage in diplomatic relations with the expelled nation, provided they continue to act in the interest of the claims of other AMU members as they do so, to include members admitted after the expelled nation’s dismissal.